Why Do We Call Asian Americans the Model Minority
The model minority myth.
The model minority myth.
How the hukou system impact the ability of individuals to achieve the “Chinese Dream”
How do rural-urban divides in education impact a country’s economic development?
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This lesson explores the Chinese legal system created after the Culture Revolution. It also compares similarities and differences between the Chinese culture’s concepts of the law and America’s view of the legal system.
A presentation on using the continuity and change method to teach history.
Dr. Rozelle describes how the lack of good early childhood education, together with poor nutrition, is preventing China’s rural youth from reaching their full potential.
Mr. Dube gives a update of U.S.-China Relations, mostly in the area of trade.
Mr. Smith presents China’s development of civil law as well as the foundations from which these laws were developed.
Mr. Schmitz elaborates on selected people that were discussed in his book “Street of Eternal Happiness: Big City Dreams Along a Shanghai Road.”